eT - Administrator / Additional users
Due to the requirements of GIODO (Personal Data Protection Statute) it is necessary to designate within your company at least one person who will manage other users accounts. Such person will have access to the User Control Panel and will be able to add and delete users, block users access to the euroTICKET system, distribute to users licence keys to use systems on different computers, decide how often they have to change passwords, etc.

User Control Panel - here.

To designate users' administrator simply fill in and send to us two copies of an agreement addendum to the address:

ITSOFT sp. z o.o. sp. k.
ul. Wadowicka 8a
30-415 Krakow

Please, prior to sending double-check all the data in order to ensure fast processing.

Annex no:
Consecutive annex number
Annex to agreement no:
Full agreement number in format nn/mm/yyyy
Annex to agreement signed on:
Agreement's date in format dd/mm/yyyy

Company's data

Full company name:
Name according to company's registration documents
Company address:
Street, no
Postal zip number:
E-mail address:
First and last name of person authorised to sign an agreement:
Administrator's first and last name:
Present login:
Not having login at present:
Administrator's e-mail address:
Number of days before password expires and will have to be changed:
0 to 365 days (0 means never)
Type the code